Those who play Wordle daily might have noticed that going to the game’s website now redirects them to The New York Times. Even the Wordle logo is in the newspaper’s font now. It’s supposed to be a smooth transition, but there have been some hiccups along the way. A confirmed glitch that occurred during the transfer reset the guesses of users for that day’s puzzle. So users who failed to solve in the morning got another chance after The Times took over, and those who already knew the answer got a free win. Other users noticed the newspaper also removed a handful of possible words. One of them is spelled differently in British and American English, while most others are considered offensive. Some of the missing words were supposed to be upcoming answers to the original version of Wordle. So players who use a web-archived version instead of the NYT will soon see puzzle solutions between the two diverge. When The New York Times bought Wordle, they said it would remain free, at least at first. So far they’re keeping that promise, as playing the game on its website doesn’t require an account. Image credit: Ajay Suresh (CC BY 2.0)