The Extreme II 240GB gave strong performance in PCMark 7’s importing picture test with a throughput of 28.5MB/s, which was the same result turned in by the Kingston HyperX 3K 240GB. The Samsung SSD 830 and OCZ Vertex 4 also provided similar results, while the Vector and 840 Pro were slightly faster.

SanDisk’s new arrival managed 22.9MB/s in the video editing test, placing it just 1MB/s off the leader alongside the 840 Pro, HyperX and Intel SSD 510 Series.

The starting applications test saw the Extreme II serve a throughput of 55.8MB/s, on par with the Vector but behind the 840 Pro’s 64.1MB/s.

PCMark 7’s gaming test results again showed the Extreme II to be neck and neck with the Vector.