Although the random 512 bytes read performance of the Samsung 830 Series 512GB was average the write performance was exceptional. Here the 830 Series 512GB was 30% faster than the 470 Series 512GB and 35% faster than the OCZ Vertex 3 Max IOPS 240GB. The random 1MB read performance was also quite average as the Samsung 830 Series 512GB was 13% slower than the OCZ Vertex 3 240GB and 17% slower than the Crucial m4 256GB. Although the Samsung 830 Series 512GB was 24% faster than the Crucial m4 256GB when measuring random 1MB write performance it was also 29% slower than the OCZ Vertex 3 Max IOPS 240GB. The random read random file size test saw the Samsung 830 Series 512GB produce a throughput of 393MB/s making it just 3% slower than the OCZ Vertex 3 240GB. That said it was also 15% slower than the Crucial m4 256GB drive. The Samsung 830 Series in Detail finishes up strong with excellent random write random file size performance as it manages to sustain a throughput of 415.1MB/s.