This week, two modders unveiled a trailer for their new unofficial campaign for Half-Life: Alyx, subtitled Levitation. They promise a four-to-five-hour story which is planned to arrive on Steam Workshop in the third quarter of 2022, free of charge for those who already own Half-Life: Alyx. Levitation had already been revealed in a short teaser last November. The campaign will have players investigate a floating building in a place called Sector X. This week’s trailer shown above confirms it will feature returning characters like Russell and G-Man. The campaign is a collaboration between Source Filmmaker animator CoreyLaddo and level designer Shawn “FMPONE” Snelling. Snelling is better known for his custom Counter-Strike maps but has also worked on Natural Selection 2. CoreyLaddo specializes in animated clips featuring Half-Life characters, most prominently G-man. While Half-Life: Alyx received positive reviews, the fact that it’s a VR-only game has limited its appeal to a wider range of gamers, and with it the accessibility of mods like Levitation. Multiple mods are currently in development to make Alyx playable without a VR headset.