Medal of Honor can take advantage of four cores to their fullest and is undoubtedly optimized for the current crop of quad-core processors. It’s also interesting to note that the game utilizes all six cores in the Phenom II X6, although the load isn’t spread as evenly. The Phenom II X4 970 was surprisingly the fastest processor during our tests. The Phenom II X6 1075T, which is clocked 500MHz lower than the Phenom II X4 970, was the second fastest. We’re used to seeing the Core i7 920 and Core i5 750 at the top of such graphs, but they placed third and fourth this time. The Athlon II X4 645 also performed well, ranking just below the Core i5 and Core i7 processors. The Core 2 Quad Q6600 was the slowest quad-core chip tested, but it still outperformed the newer dual-core Core i3 and Phenom II X2 processors in Medal of Honor.