The current version was used for testing (v2.00.3070) and it worked very well. While SetPoint looks rather dated, the Options software is dressed for Windows 10.
The primary menu is simply titled mouse and here the user can quickly customize the six buttons/wheels on the mouse to do virtually anything. The user can also swap the left/right buttons as well.
Next we have the point and scroll menu and here the pointer speed can be adjusted along with the SmartShift sensitivity. Other features such as smooth scroll can be enabled, while the scroll wheel direction can even be inverted and the same is true for the thumb wheel. Unlike SetPoint, the Options software doesn’t stay open in the system tray which is nice. That said, there are two background processes “LogiOptions.exe” and “LogiOptionsMgr.exe” that run in the background using a combined 17MB of memory and an average of 0.5% CPU power on my Core i5-4690K.