Over the years, as the timeline of novel products accelerated, new features and standards gained momentum and the sound bite and quotable quote became the means to become noticed by a user base clamoring for any tidbit in the thousands of tech-centric forums and the endless stream of industry related magazines. Three years before co-founding Intel, Gordon E. Moore authored an article “Cramming More Components Onto Integrated Circuits” which appeared in the April 1965 edition of Electronics Magazine. In that paper Moore predicted that the transistor count for a minimum component cost would double every year for at least a decade based upon Fairchild Semiconductor’s previous five years of IC design. So accurate a forecast – and self-fulfilling prophecy – Moore and Intel became prime movers in the industry and his prediction is enshrined as Moore’s law. Across an industry known for its predictive pronouncements as its actual innovation, low bandwidth morality, and elastic attitude towards intellectual property rights, many have felt compelled to follow Gordon Moore in bringing their judgements and observations into the public eye… with varying degrees of success. Every year for nearly a decade, we’ve revisited this TechSpot original feature to bring new quotes to readers’ attention and refreshing those that have either ran stale or become irrelevant. Here’s a taste of those quotes that go from the infamous to the inspiring and outright prescient. “Two years from now, spam will be solved” - Bill Gates, Microsoft’s founder and Chairman [World Economic Forum, January 2004]

This feature was originally published in December 2013. Every year since we have revised it to add more quotes and refresh the overall content because it’s as relevant and interesting today as it was then. Part of our #ThrowbackThursday initiative.