The Wall Street Journal, citing unidentified sources, reported that Musk had an affair with Brin’s wife last fall. The incident allegedly occurred in Miami at the Art Basel event in late December, soon after Musk’s breakup with then-girlfriend Claire Boucher, better known by her stage name, Grimes. The sources claim Brin and Shanahan were separated at the time of the affair but still living together, the result of marital problems caused by the Covid-19 lockdowns and issues related to their three-year-old daughter. Brin cited December 15, 2021, as the date of the couple’s separation in the divorce filings. The report also claims that Musk dropped to one knee in front of Brin at a party earlier this year and apologized for the affair, begging for forgiveness. While Brin acknowledged the apology, he still isn’t speaking to Musk regularly. Musk and Brin have been friends for years. The world’s richest man regularly crashed at his fellow billionaire’s home in Silicon Valley, and Brin helped Tesla with its struggles during the 2008 financial crisis by handing around $500,000 to Musk. Brin is said to have been selling his personal investments in Musk’s companies over the last few months, though this hasn’t been confirmed. Musk tweeted a reply to the report yesterday. “This is total bs. Sergey and I are friends and were at a party together last night! I’ve only seen Nicole twice in three years, both times with many other people around. Nothing romantic.” Replying to a different tweet, Musk wrote, “Haven’t even had sex in ages (sigh).” Musk is rarely out of the headlines these days. He’s currently dealing with a lawsuit launched by Twitter over him walking away from an acquisition of the platform. His personal life is also under the spotlight often, including the revelation that he secretly fathered twins with a top Neuralink executive last year, bringing his total number of children to nine. He’s long warned about falling birth rates in the US and their potentially devastating effect on civilization. “I mean, I’m doing my part haha,” he recently tweeted.