The Bundle for Ukraine launched earlier this month, offering up nearly 600 video games as well as hundreds of analog tabletop RPGs and dozens of asset packs, comics, zines, books and soundtracks. The bundle started at just $10 although encouraged shoppers to pay a bit more if they could as proceeds from the sale would be split between two charities assisting those in Ukraine. Bundle standouts included Skatebird, A Short Hike, Celeste and Superhot. It’s anyone’s guess as to how many other hidden gems are also lurking in the bundle. Did you purchase the bundle, and if so, what games have you enjoyed the most thus far? The average contribution was $14.16 and the top contributor donated $9,000. The money will be divided evenly between International Medical Corps and Voices of Children. For comparison, Games Done Quick – the semiannual video game speedrunning marathon for charity – set a new record this past January with $3.44 million raised during the Awesome Games Done Quick event. The Bundle for Ukraine managed to eclipse that by nearly $3 million.