The Asrock Vision HT 420D struck out in our HandBrake testing, producing just 62.6fps and 70.3fps when using dual-channel memory. In comparison, the AMD A8-7600 set to 45W produced 103.4fps, while the Core i3 desktop processor allows for over 150fps.

The Vision HT 420D also delivered poor results in x264 HD Benchmark with 15.7fps in the second pass test – 17.6fps with dual-channel memory. Again, the A8-7600 APU set to its 45W mode delivered considerably better results at 26.5fps, while the Core i3 desktop processor offered 31.3fps.

The Video Master Works conversing workload took the 420D 1130 seconds to complete, while enabling dual-channel memory reduced that by 36% to 719 seconds. However, when you consider that the A8-7600 took just 574 seconds, this isn’t a great result for Asrock.