A return to traditional office life is still increasingly questioned by employees as some companies have adopted policies to gradually phase out full-time remote work in favor of in-person attendance. Apple’s hybrid work plan, which went into effect last month, is similar in nature, as it required employees to come to the office at least once a week in April and twice a week from May 4 onwards.

Apple Park is a sight to behold, but also an empty one if employees stick with remote work Later this month, Apple employees will need to work in-person on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Unsurprisingly, some staff have been unhappy with this development, and it looks like the policy has now also caused frustration for top-level executives, leading to the the departure of Ian Goodfellow, Apple’s director of machine learning. Known as the father of an AI approach called generative adversarial networks (GANs), Goodfellow was poached by Apple from Google in March 2019 to join Cupertino’s Special Projects Group. While breaking the news of his departure in an internal email, Goodfellow said he strongly believed that more flexibility would have been the best policy for his team.